Fujiki Consulting Services (Series Audio)
Keiichi Fujiki has an uncanny knack for seeing hidden connections, a talent he employs assisting the people who visit his mountainside shop seeking advice. But behind his ordinary appearance lies a secret identity that no other human has ever known -- until now.
Calling on a rich cast of characters from the Japanese mythological world -- gods and gremlins, shapeshifters and spirits -- this story is told in a series of chapters that each revolve around a central case that Fujiki helps solve.
If you're interested in reading stories or watching anime that take place in this world, this story provides excellent exposure to the type of cultural background and vocabulary you'll need. We've worked to tell the story in an accessible way, but the fantasy subject matter might make this series feel more challenging in places. (Readers who find this story too challenging are encouraged to start with Kiki-Mimi Radio, Kona's Big Adventure, and Oku-Nikkou and work up to this one.)
(Chapter 1: Introduction. 41 episodes)